1KC Event Entry (2024)


Before you jump in and fill out the form, take a moment to read the information at the bottom of this page, or on the main NZDR website.

Please also check out the published 1KC routes which are available for 2024 – showing you exactly where you’ll be expected to ride, and where the photo checkpoints are, and what the photo requirements are.


  • No T-Shirts are available for the 1KC.
  • No pre-resquisite rides for the 1KC.
  • All Pillions are welcome on the 1KC.
  • Our Terms of Entry are here: Rules & Requirements page.

Event details

1KC is here again for 2024, with two ride options:

  • the Northern ride will leave from the North Shore in Auckland this year,
  • the Southern ride will leave from Upper Hutt again this year.

Here’s the rundown on the event weekend:

Saturday 9th November 2024:

Start: 6:00 – 6:30am: 
  • Registration opens – check in to HQ, grab some rider’s tape for your bike if you want to, then head out onto the course and start your ride..
  • No Scrutineering is performed on the bikes at the 1KC, you need to ensure that you have a current WOF, and are licensed to ride the bike which you use.
  • Unlike the NI800 / NI1600, there’s no time limit on your ride’s completion on the day.
  • The 1KC stands for the 1,000 KM Cruise, so take your time, flower sniff, stop for a coffee, enjoy the scenery.

At the finish:

The ride will likely take you around 12 hours to complete, possibly up to 13.5 hours, depending on the pace you keep. If you stop for any length of time then this will be add to these estimates.

When you get back to your ride’s end-point check in with the team there, let them see your checkpoint photos, if you managed to get them all then you’ll be handed your finishers certificate and pin.

Extra notes:

  • This ride is offered as a stepping stone towards the NI800 / NI1600 rides, and potentially for the TT2000 event, where you’ll need to ride a 1000km day within it.
  • A camera is essential to take photos of the checkpoints. This is how we verify your ride. Most people use a phone but consider having a backup. It has been known to rain!
  • This ride is also a performed as an annual fund-raiser for the NZ Distance riders, historically this was for Muscular Dystrophy, but moving forward we are deciding on a new suitable recipient for the funds which we raise.
  • We ride in ALL weather, there will be no rain date or postponement of this event.
  • Once the entries have closed, there will be no refunds as your pin will have been ordered for you, and this is partly a fund-raising effort too.
  • The cost of entry provides every successful finisher an NZDR 1KC certificate and a pin.

Entry form

Please select the type of your entry using these choices, the cost of your entry will then be shown beneath these options.